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  • Post published:04.10.2024

“Walks Through a Wide World” with English Language Teaching Fellow Steven Schuit

Sākot ar 15. oktobri, reizi mēnesī ASV Informācijas centrā notiks prezentāciju-tikšanos cikls “Walks Through a Wide World”  (“Pastaigas plašajā pasaulē”) par dažādām pasaules valstīm, ko vadīs Stīvens Šuits – angļu valodas pasniedzējs no ASV.

“Walks Through a Wide World” pirmā tikšanās “Ceļojums uz Dienvidkoreju” notiks 15. oktobrī plkst. 17:45 ASV Informācijas centrā (Latgales Centrālajā bibliotēka, Rīgas ielā 22A).

20 minūšu ilgai prezentācijai sekos diskusija ar jautājumiem un atbildēm, kā arī sarunas angļu valodā. Pasākuma laikā notiks arī loterija-izloze ar korejiešu gardumiem kā balvām. Trīs veiksmīgie laimēs korejiešu ramenu.

Novembrī prezentācija būs veltīta Japānai, decembrī – ASV, bet janvārī plānota “pastaiga” pa Ungāriju. Datumi tiks paziņoti vēlāk.

Ikviens ir laipni gaidīts!

Informāciju sagatavoja:

ASV Informācijas centrs


Beginning on October 15, once a month, the USA Information Center will host a series of lectures/presentations/meetings “Walks Through a Wide World” about different world countries, presented by Steven Schuit – English Language Teaching Fellow from the USA.

The first meeting of “Walks Through a Wide World,” featuring A Journey to South Korea will take place on October 15 at 17:45 at the USA Information Center (Latgale Central Library, Rigas street 22A). The 20-minute presentation will be preceded by English conversation groups and followed by a Q&A discussion session. There will also be a lottery/raffle with Korean treats as prizes. Three lucky people will win Korean ramen.

The series will continue as follows: November’s presentation will focus on Japan, December’s on the USA, and in January, a “walk” through Hungary is planned. The dates will be announced later.

Everybody is welcome!

Steve Schuit is a dedicated teacher, facilitator, and coach. He has been an ESL educator in Asia, Europe and North America. Steve’s research has included an examination of “English Self-Access Centers” (SAC’s) in universities located in South Korea and on a model for the professional development of ESL instructors at a Korean university. He has conducted management and leadership training for high-tech managers around the globe. Steve served as a Peace Corps Volunteer in South Korea in the capacity of university instructor of English at Keimyung University. He later returned to Korea as an Associate Professor of English at Yeungnam University, where he received the “Outstanding Faculty Member Award” in 2016. Most recently, he has been teaching English in a public high school in Budapest, Hungary.

In August, 2024, Steven joined Daugavpils University in the capacity of U.S. State Department English Teaching Fellow for a 10-month-long fellowship.

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